The celcoo program ("celestial coordinates") converts right ascension and declination to hour angle, altitude, and azimuth, for a given place and time.
The program was assembled from pieces of other programs, mainly starmap and additions I had made to planet.
The celcoo program has these options:
Usage: celcoo -R HhMmSs -D DoM'S" [-t H:M:S] [-d m/d/y] [-z tz] \ [-a DoM'S"] [-o DoM'S"] where R = right ascension (H=hours, M=minutes, S=seconds) D = declination (D=degrees, M=arcminutes, S=arcseconds) t = time (H=hours, M=mins, S=seconds; 24-hour clock, default=now) d = date (month/day/year, must supply all digits of year, default=today) z = timezone number (count west from Greenwich, default=central) a = latitude (DoM'S" [D=degrees, M=mins, S=secs] north, default=42o2') o = longitude (DoM'S" [D=degrees, M=mins, S=secs] west, default=88o16') In all parameters, the (arc)seconds may be omitted, or (arc)minutes and (arc)seconds may be omitted. Also, the symbol after the last number (hmso'":) may be omitted. Use negative latitude for south, negative longitude for east.You have to provide the right ascension and declination, but the rest are optional. Don't type any [brackets] or backslash. Type everything on one line. Note that the option letters for RA and declination are capital R and D, not small letters.
celcoo -R 13h27 -D 44o22 -d 9/26/2014 -t 21:30and it tells you
celcoo Version 2.0 Date: September 26, 2014 Time: 21:30:00 (CDT) Julian date: 2456927.604167 Place: 42o 2' 0" north latitude, 88o 16' 0" west longitude right ascension = 13h 27m 0s declination = +44o 22' 0" hour angle = 7h 33m 10s altitude = +14o 57' 52" azimuth = 317o 10' 59"