A mailing list is available for Mup users. It is intended to be a forum where you can chat with other Mup users, ask questions about Mup, give suggestions to fellow users, learn hints from other users, etc.
Only subscribers are allowed to view and post to the list. The list of addresses of subscribers is not made available to anyone outside the list. We ask that anyone who posts any messages keeps them on the topic of questions or suggestions on how to use Mup (no "spam"). We reserve the right to remove anyone from the list.
The mailing list is handled by the "majordomo" program, a very popular mailing list handler. If you would like to join the list, you can either just send mail to us at support@arkkra.com and we will add you to the list, or you can subscribe via the majordomo request handler, by sending email to majordomo@arkkra.com and making the body of the message just the phrase:
subscribe mup-usersThe subscription mail to majordomo does not have to have any particular Subject. All that matters is that the message body contains the phrase "subscribe mup-users." If you subscribe via majordomo, in a short time, you should get back an email saying your subscription request has been received and forwarded to the list owner (that's us) for approval.
Normally within a day or two you should receive email from majordomo confirming that your subscription has been approved. That message will include information on how to unsubscribe, how to post messages to the list, and how to get other information about the list, so you may want to save that message for future reference. As a subscriber, any mail that anyone posts to mup-users@arkkra.com will then be sent to you and everyone else on the list.
The mup-users mailing list is archived, so you can retrieve past postings. Use the standard majordomo archive commands: "index" to get a list of archive files, and "get" to have a file sent to you.