Programs donated by users
We maintain a repository for programs that have been donated by users and may be
useful in connection with Mup. THEY ARE PROVIDED AS IS.
If you have a program you would like to donate, send us email at
to tell us about it. Programs must be provided in source form.
We reserve the right to refuse any donation or to remove
a donated program at any time without notice.
If you know of a program on another website that might be of interest
to Mup users, you can let us know and we will consider providing a
link to it.
User-donated programs include:
mtmA MIDI-to-Mup
midi2mup (Unix
format gzip-ed tar file) or
midi2mup (DOS
format zip file). Another MIDI-to-Mup converter program.
spkrmidi - play simple MIDI files on computer speaker for UNIX SV_R4 or Linux x86 systems.
guitar -
an "include" file that expands chord names
into guitar chord notes.
This is especially useful for MIDI, because you can hear how a guitar chord
part will sound without having to write out all the individual notes.
grids -
an "include" file that defines guitar grids.
grids2 -
file that defines grids for ukulele, baritone ukulele, guitar, mandolin,
and banjo.
gen_midi -
Mup macros for specifying General MIDI instruments by name.
(An alternate set of macros for the same purpose is available
tabstems -
Mup macros for drawing stems, beams, and bow marks on tablature staffs.
(translation from Mup music symbol names and SMuFL symbol names),
(translation from SMuFL symbol names to Mup music symbol names), and
(information about the json files).
mup.pats - Mup
syntax pattern file for nedit
mup.vim - Mup
syntax pattern file for vim
mupfont.tgz -
A collection of Quikscript files for use with Mup, and an extracted
standalone version of the Mup music font.
mupxpnd.l - expand
a 2-staff condensed vocal score to a 4-staff vocal score.
splitvoices -
ksh script that takes staffs with a single voice and splits the chords into
two voices.
pssubset.c -
extract a subset of pages to print from a PostScript file.
mididelay.c -
add delay to specified tracks of a MIDI file
abc2mup - convert abc format
to Mup format
program to take voices in PocketSynth format and convert them to a Mup file
which can then be edited on a PalmPilot or exported to a desktop for
printing or playing.
package that helps put music fragments created with Mup into LaTeX
A collection of python scripts for manipulating Mup files, and some Mup macro definitions.
These include:
Mup-Template: A simple python script that creates a "blank" Mup score.
Mup-Score-Renumber: A simple python script that renumbers comments in
a Mup score.
Mup Accompaniment: A not-so-simple python script that analyzes a Mup
score and adds a bass line to it.
Mp -- Mup Print and Display: A python script to process, display, and
print scores. Supports various keys and transpositions for different
Macros for accordion music.
If you are planning on writing any music for the accordion, these files
will be useful. They add the ability to print the "circles with dots"
used to denote the switches in accordion music via macros.
Arkkra Enterprises